Monday 12 June 2017

To those who never give up - dreams DO come true!

The people that know me, know that I have been obsessed with Shakira since I could literally walk, think or speak. With obsessed I mean, that she has had a huge impact on my life, my actions and on who I am today. She has inspired me in many ways, and for this reason I am very thankful.

So since my obsession with this woman started, I have been wanting to meet her. And that became one of my biggest dreams. A dream that I have been trying to accomplish for 16 years. These years have been full of disappointments, emotions and failure. I wanted to give up. I actually thought I gave up. But for some reason faith finally decided differently.

I met her.

I hugged her.

And I told her what I wanted to tell her for so long.

This post isn't about how big of a fan I am of hers. No.

I want this post to stand for our dreams, our goals and that NOW I know that dreams do come true.

I know that within each one of us linger unaccomplished dreams. I know that many of us work hard daily to accomplish their personal goals. And sometimes we all feel like giving up. We wonder why are we doing this. For what?..

You might be working so hard and don't see results. You might be working so hard and fail. Many times. And for so long you might not succeed.

But I tell you one thing, it is all worth it. I know it. I have seen it.

It might not come exactly the way you have imagined it for so long, but it will happen in one way or the other.

So my message is: NEVER give up. Dreams DO come true!

With love,
Jess x

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